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16.04.2015, 09:44, Stáří: 9 r.

PORTUGAL - First IPSANTARÉM SUMMER COURSE (20-29 July and 17-26 August, 2015)

Autor: -sb-

The course will take place in Santarém and Rio Maior, and its program is a great blend of language learning, specific skills development, interaction with teachers and international students, great trips and fun!

The IPSantarém Summer Course includes 2 modules: 

1. Portuguese language and culture (30 hours)

2. One of the following four modules (15 hours each)

a) Health and Food

b) Viticulture and Animal Production

c) Fitness and Outdoor Sports

d) Entrepreneurship

The Portuguese language and culture module has been designed as a preparation for those who want to proceed their studies in Portugal (e.g. «Erasmus +» semester). In addition to the studies, participants will benefit from several cultural and social activities, that include city tours, trips to the beach, etc.

Every student will get 3 ECTS upon approval on the course, that may be added to his/her learning agreement. 

Application deadline: 17th May 2015 (-10% discount on applications until 17th of April).

Registration fee: 650 euros (or 585 euros, until 17th of April). This fee includes all the course activities and materials, accommodation and all meals at the IPSantarém facilities. It is definitely a great price for so much fun! 

Application procedure shall be made at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1mcKBMVUKkkqvFJE_u49y9LMrqn5jGFVqhck-OOmO9bU/viewform?c=0&w=1

Please read and spread the attached flyer , and «like» facebook page at:


For any additional information, please contact nuno.jorge@esg.ipsantarem.pt .

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