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Filozofická fakulta UP
08.03.2012, 11:26, Stáří: 12 r.

Postdoctorate Fellowship at Palacký University, History Department – Call for Applications

Autor: zdp

History Department at Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic offers 1 Postdoctorate Fellowship for 30 months in Urban History beginning in January 1, 2013. The position is open to all applicants from both European and Non-European countries who successfully accomplished their Ph.D. after March 28, 2008. A satisfactory command of English or German and ability to take part in several collateral research projects are expected.   
The fellow will get the monthly salary of 40,000 Czech crowns (apr. 1600/1650 Eur) and 282,000 Czech crowns (11,500 Eur) to cover his/her travel expenses.
History Department provides the office space with computer, library card and the free acess to copying machine.
The fellow is expected to teach at least one course (winter or summer semester according to his/her own choice), complete scholarly work (1-2 articles in peer-reviewed historical journals listed in ERIH or SCOPUS database and 1 monograph) and actively participate in the academic and intellectual communities of the departments with which he/she is affiliated.
Applications should contain:

  • academic CV
  • 1 recommendation letter
  • applicant’s bibliography
  • project proposal
  • copy of Ph.D. diploma

Applicants from the Czech Republic may be asked to present their project personally.

For more information about the postdoctorate position please contact the supervisor of the position prof. Jaroslav Miller:

Application documents are to be sent to:
Prof. Jaroslav Miller
Katedra historie FF UP
Na Hradě 5
771 80 Olomouc
Czech Republic

Application Deadline: August 15, 2012
Result Announcements: by September 20, 2012.
Duration of Fellowship: 30 months (1. January, 2013 – 30 June, 2015).

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