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Filozofická fakulta UP
06.10.2011, 08:48, Stáří: 13 r.

Pracovní stáž Erasmus - MuseumsQuartier, Vídeň, Rakousko

Autor: -da-, -mr-

Employer: MuseumsQuartier, Wien, Austria

Required profile of the candidates:

  • students of culture related studies (History of Art, Theatre, Film and Media Studies) or German Philology
  • work experience in cultural institutions highly welcome
  • interest in organising cultural events
  • fluency in German (verbal and written)
  • good communication skills
  • good computer skills
  • team player
  • hands-on mentality, problem solving attitude, capability to work under pressure

Work programme:

  • help to organise cultural events linked to the MuseumsQuartier´s 10th anniversary (exhibitions, concerts, literature readings, film screenings etc.)
  • coordination of meetings, minute taking
  • help with administrative agenda

Anticipated temporal frame of the placement:

01/02/2012 – 31/07/2012


Erasmus scholarship + contribution in kind provided by the employer – public transport in Vienna (50 EUR/month) and accommodation for the 1st month/room without kitchen (200 EUR/month)

Please send your application documents (CV and cover letter in German language) to marie.rakova@upol.cz by 31/10/2011.

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Stránka aktualizována: 01. 04. 2011, Daniel Agnew