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Filozofická fakulta UP
02.11.2012, 08:16, Stáří: 12 r.

Russian language courses in winter 2013

Autor: -ps-

We invite everyone who wants to learn Russian to come to Petrozavodsk (Karelia, Russia) in the winter 2013!

Programs at the Russian language school “Enjoy Russian” consist of three main parts: Language course, Russian homestay, Cultural program with Russian youth.

It helps foreigners to make good progress in the Russian language within a short period of time. Duration of the programs from two weeks up to three months. Prices from 400 euros (two-week language course + homestay with breakfast).

If you have any questions feel free to ask Alevtina Klykina, coordinator of the school:

Enjoy Russian with our Russian Language school

tel/fax +7 8142 78 11 30,

mobile +7 911 400 58 54

Krasnaya street, 30a, office 211

Petrozavodsk, 185035


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