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31.03.2014, 15:23, Stáří: 10 r.

Scholarship for PU students 2014

Autor: -ps-

The Autonomous University of the State of Mexico in reciprocity with the fruitful cooperation links maintained between our institutions, and according to the internationalization policies, awards your prestigious University with a scholarship for one of your students during the regular academic mobility period Autumn 2014 (August – December).

The scholarship comprises the lodging during the regular period Autumn 2014 and the food from Monday to Saturday.

Through these actions, the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico looks for strengthening the proximity and the cooperation links between our House of Studies and your renowned University, by assuring at all times the benefit of the student community and the impulse of the international mobility.

Web: http://www.uaemex.mx/

Pro přihlášku prosím kontaktujte OMV: p.schneiderova@upol.cz

Deadline: 31. května 2014



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