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09.06.2014, 13:54, Stáří: 10 r.

Scientific Conference in Wrocław, Poland

Autor: -sb-

Department of Regional Economy, Faculty of Economics, Management and Tourism, Wrocław University of Economics have great pleasure and honour to invite you to participate in the XXII Scientific Conference entitled “Local and Regional Economy in Theory and Practice”.

Date: 17-19 September 2014

Place: “Chata za Wsią” Hotel, 1 Górska Street, Mysłakowice near Karpacz, Poland

The conference will be combined with celebrating the 30th anniversary of Professor Danuta Strahl as the Head of the Department of Regional Economy.

We will be grateful for providing this invitation to your employees and co-workers and other individuals from your scientific community.

You can find additional information regarding organization and publications on the conference page (glir2014.ue.wroc.pl./en/index.php)

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Stránka aktualizována: 01. 04. 2011, Daniel Agnew