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Filozofická fakulta UP
13.03.2013, 10:46, Stáří: 11 r.

Scientific seminar of student organizations

Autor: -ps-


The seminar  will be held in the university campus “Kortowo” in Olsztyn on 21-22 May 2013.

The seminar is interdisciplinary, its purpose is to share the achievements of student organizations acting at universities nationally and internationally. We hope that the scientific presentations, combined with the passion of Olsztyn picturesque campus and the region will provide an unforgettable experience and creative inspiration.

Debate will be held in the following sections:

· development and environmental protection
· biological science
· geodetic science
· mathematical and computer sciences
· medical sciences
· sciences of food
· pedagogical sciences
· political sciences
· sciences of law
· social sciences
· technical sciences
· veterinary sciences
· zootechnical sciences and livestock production
· plant production
· art


1. Please send the completed application form along with an abstract not later than 10 April 2013. Applications and the work sent after this date will not be accepted. The application form will be available from 1 March 2013 on the website: www.uwm.edu.pl/mskn

2. The form of the abstract should match to the requirements posted on seminar website and its content does not exceed 2 A4 pages.

3. Applications and abstracts should be sent by computer transmission as shown on the website of the seminar. The notification may be considered as accepted upon receipt of confirmation from the organizer, which will be sent in 3 working days. In the absence of confirmation, please call the coordinator of the seminar (given at the end of the message).

4. Reports will be judged in each section by the jury during debate.
Expected seminar program:
21 may 2013 (tuesday) – opening of the seminar, the debate in the sections, lunch, evening campfire integration.
22 may 2013 (wednesday) – visit in a rope park ,,Hardcore" or a trip to the folk museum in Olsztynek.


We request you to confirm your arrival to reserve seats!

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