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24.03.2016, 08:56, Stáří: 8 r.

Selection proceedings for the posts of university teachers

Autor: da

The Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Palacký University Olomouc hereby invites applications for selection proceedings for the posts of university teachers.

position of employment: assistant professor
discipline: French linguistics
working hours: full time, number of available positions: 3
commencement of employment: 1 September 2016

position of employment: assistant professor
discipline: Portuguese (Lusofonic) literature, culture and history
working hours: full time, number of available positions: 2
commencement of employment: 1 September 2016

position of employment: assistant professor
discipline: Italian history and culture
working hours: part time (0,2), number of available positions: 1
commencement of employment: 1 September 2016

position of employment: assistant
discipline: French linguistics
working hours: full time, number of available positions: 1
commencement of employment: 1 September 2016

Qualification requirements:

  • university education in the discipline of French philology;
  • academic title of Ph.D. in the discipline of French philology;
  • sufficient publication activity in the discipline;
  • prerequisites for further pedagogical and academic-research advancement (e.g. commencement of habilitation process within the foreseeable future);
  • experience of academic projects;
  • reputation for integrity.

Applications for the selection proceedings together with a structured Curriculum Vitae, documentation of attained educational qualifications, as well as a list of practical, academic and publication activity are to be sent to the Personnel department of the Faculty of Arts, Palacký University Olomouc, Křížkovského 10, Olomouc, 771 80 or by e-mail to: personalni.ff@upol.cz,
at the latest by 24 April 2016.

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