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29.04.2015, 09:12, Stáří: 9 r.

SLOVENIA - International Summer School in Ljubljana, 17-29 August 2015

Autor: -sb-

A summer school entitled "Challenges in Public Administration – Transformation for the Future" will take place in picturesque Ljubljana, the capital city of Slovenia, in period 17-29 August 2015.

Final-year students from bachelor's (I. cycle) and students from master's (II. cycle) degree programmes can apply to:

  • join a 10-day programme held in English
  • acquire 9 ECTS
  • meet students and lecturers from all over Europe
  • establish valuable contacts for the future
  • visit the most important institutions of public administration
  • discover different parts of Slovenia, from the Alps to the Adriatic sea and
  • take part in “Eco friendly” initiative

Study Fee only:
240 EUR
if the participant pays the total fee by 30 May 2015
300 EUR if the participant pays the total fee by 15 June 2015
The fee includes tuition and study materials, use of faculty's library, computer rooms, free wireless internet access, official social activities and study visits.

Hospitality Package only: 200 EUR; includes accommodation in a twin room with a shared bathroom and kitchen, free cable internet access, breakfast, coffee/tea break and lunch on weekdays. It should be paid together with the study fee. Not included: Transport to and from Ljubljana, health insurance, visa costs, certain social activities and trips around Slovenia, additional meals and personal expenses.

Application Deadline: 10 May 2015

For more information please visit: www.fu.uni-lj.si/fass/ 

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Stránka aktualizována: 01. 04. 2011, Daniel Agnew