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22.05.2015, 12:22, Stáří: 9 r.


Autor: -sb-

Youth Service, European Projects and Youth Exchanges of the Murcia City Council is an institution experienced in hosting intern students from all over Europe through the Erasmus+ Traineeship Programme. Now, with the new Erasmus + Programme, the organization is now offering several vacancies in the Erasmus+ Traineeship Programme, from 3 to 6 months in 2015 (the traineeship could be realized also in 2016).

In cooperation with a few institutions and organizations in Murcia, following traineeships options are available: ´Youth Service´, ´Social Service´, Environment´and ´Drama´. Traineeships meet different and specific needs, interests and skills of students. Please, have a look at the attached document to learn details of each one of them.


In every case, a student would get support in finding an accommodation and in getting involved into the local life. The employer would also provide help in solving any problem that students can find during their integration with the community.

Interested students need to send an e-mail with their CV and a Motivation Letter to planjoven@ayto-murcia.es.

Více informací o programu Erasmus+ na UP: http://www.upol.cz/struktura-up/rektorat/useky-prorektoru/usek-pro-zahranici/oddeleni-mezinarodnich-vztahu/erasmus/staze/ 

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