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20.05.2016, 15:09, Stáří: 8 r.

SPAIN - University of Murcia's call for language assistant scholarships

Autor: -sb-

The University of Murcia is looking for 17 language assistants for next academic year for the Faculties of Humanities and Education. This offer is best suitable for last year students or recent graduates who may be interested in applying.

Full call for applicants (in Spanish) and application form (pages 15-16) can be found HERE.

These are the highlights: 

  • Application deadline and procedure (page 5): Applications and documents must reach the University of Murcia's "Registro General" office or any Spanish Consulate "Registro" office by May 30th, 2016.
  • Duration of the scholarship (page 2): From October 1st, 2016, to June 30th, 2017.
  • Grant (page 2): 700 euros/month, plus 1000 euros dedicated to language and university courses.
  • Requirements (page 4): To be a native speaker of English, French, German, Italian, or Arabic, and to have a Bachelor's degree in Languages or Foreign Language Teaching.
  • Scholars' obligations (page 3): 12 language and culture teaching hours per week (under the supervision of a lecturer), plus 2 tutoring hours per week.

For any further information or question, prospective applicants can write to becas@um.es.

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