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26.04.2013, 15:42, Stáří: 11 r.

Spanish Language and Culture Courses - University of La Rioja

Autor: -ps-

Summer Program will take place from 1st to 26th July 2013. The course consists of 80 hours lessons taking place in the morning plus different culture activities such as guided tours around La Rioja, visits to wine cellars, regional cuisine, cinema, etc.

The following courses are programmed with the possibility of including other subjects/areas of interest if requested:

  • Spanish as a second language
  • Spanish Literature and Culture (for advanced students): Spanish art of the 20th Century, Literature of the Civil war and the exile.

The University of La Rioja is located in Logroño (La Rioja). This region is world famous not only for its wines but also for being the birthplace of the oldest known written words of the Spanish Language. The people of La Rioja are well-known for their open, cheerful and hospitable character. All these reasons create a great environment to learn Spanish and offer the students the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of the Spanish Culture.

For additional information please visit our website www.unirioja.es/espanol and brochure.

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