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24.07.2014, 15:59, Stáří: 10 r.

STC'14 - Final Call for Abstracts (15th September 2014)

Autor: -sb-

STC'14 (Sport Tourism Conference 2014) - Sport Tourism: New Challenges in a Globalized World - (www.esec.pt/stc2014) has a final open call for papers, with deadline by September 15, 2014. Please note that the abstracts submitted in this call will no longer be elegible for the full paper submission, but will be published in the abstracts book (ISBN: 978-989-98016-3-9).

STC'14 will be held in Coimbra, Portugal, from 10th-12th December 2014, at Coimbra College of Education.

We hope that you can participate in this congress by submitting an abstract reflecting your current research in one of the following areas:
- Sport Tourism Policies and Development
- Sport Tourism Environmental, Economic and Social Impacts
- Sport Tourism, Innovation and Competitiveness
- Sport Tourism Supply and Demand Issues
- Sport Tourism Events
- Sport Tourism History
- Sport Tourism Management
- Sport Tourism and New Consumption Spaces
- New Trends in Sport Tourism

All the accepted abstracts and presented at STC'14 will be published in the abstracts book (ISBN: 978-989-98016-3-9). 

 Please also note the following deadlines for this call (abstracts only):

- Submission of proposals (maximum of 500 words): by 15 September 2014.
- Notification of accepted proposals: by 30 September 2014.
- Regular registration: by 30th September 2014.
- Late registration: by 30th October 2014.
- Sport Tourism Conference: 10th-12th December 2014

Please check the STC’14 website for further information: www.esec.pt/stc2014

If you have any question please don't hesitate contacting:

Ricardo Melo Coordinator of the STC'14


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