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05.03.2014, 09:41, Stáří: 10 r.

Study Spanish Language and Culture

Autor: -ps-

Our university will offer high-quality summer sessions; in Spanish Language and Culture, this will take place from May 19 to June 13, 2014, and the courses for Comillas International in Business, Law, Engineering and Humanities will take place during the month of June. The deadlines for application are: for the first session, May 2, and May 9 for the second session. Both Spanish Language and content courses are taught in Spanish, and the students can choose from courses in the fields of business administration, finance, marketing, management, law, human and social sciences, international relations, and political communication if they have an upper-intermediate to advanced level of Spanish for these courses.

 *A second option for those students who do not have a sufficient level of Spanish is the course in Spanish Language and Culture, whose dates are the following:

·         From May 19  to June 13

*You will also find a third option attached, an intensive Spanish course in which exchange students can participate during the last two weeks of August, before beginning their period of exchange at Comillas.

·         From August 18 to August 27

Individual students at an intermediate level may enroll in the summer courses, or we can also provide tailor-made courses for groups of students with a minimum of 16 students per course. This may be interesting for your Spanish Department, as many times groups come to Madrid with professors from a University as chaperones or group leaders.

Each course consists of 60 contact hours (Spanish Language and Culture) or 80 contact hours for the other programmes. The theoretical courses are enhanced by field trips to businesses and institutions and public and private organizations, and by cultural visits to such places as the El Escorial Monastery and the Prado Museum.   The fees for the 60 hour course are 886 euros, and for the 80 hour courses, 1138 euros (accommodation not included).

The courses are given by a carefully selected teaching staff, a combination of instructors and professionals of recognized prestige, from the worlds of academia and business. The program is aimed at foreign and Spanish university students who wish to acquire international experience in a Spanish university, by expanding their horizons in the disciplines offered. The University Information Office offers students all types of information and help with accommodation should they need it, on oia@oia.upcomillas.es or aloja@oia.upcomillas.es

You will find all the necessary application forms, instructions for applying and course descriptions on our website www.upcomillas.es/comillasinternacional

For any additional information, including prices, course descriptions, etc., please contact Susana de Corral  or Amparo Hernández at the following address: scorral@upcomillas.es or ahernandez@upcomillas.es

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