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19.04.2013, 13:32, Stáří: 11 r.

Studying at the Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines University

Autor: -ps-

In addition to being a comprehensive university that offers a full range of university courses in all areas, we offer 6 degrees which enable not only to achieve a proficiency level in French but also to be prepared for a successful integration in an undergraduate or graduate program of studies in a French university.

Six diploma courses can enable learners to reach the language level sufficient to take undergraduate or graduate courses in all disciplines. These university diplomas enable students’s professional insertion by offering classes detailing academic and standard habits in France and French speaking countries. They are accessible to all levels and promote rapid progress in half the usual time since these programs are organized in intensive semesters of four months and can be combined over an academic year or more, according to each student’s needs (French, Study project).
Read more information here .

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