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21.02.2013, 09:02, Stáří: 11 r.

Summer Academy Challenges of Sustainable Development 2013 - call of applications for students

Autor: -ps-

Sendzimir Foundation invites students and professionals interested in sustainable development to apply for the XVI Summer Academy Challenges of Sustainable Development in Poland 2013. Deadline for applications: 4th of March 2013.  

The course, held entirely in English, consists of two phases: 2-stage e-learning course and Summer Academy that takes place in Torun, central Poland. Participation in the e-learning phase is free of charge and open to applicants from anywhere in the world. Participation in the Summer Academy will be open to selected participants that proved the best alumni of the e-learning course and are residents of Central Eastern Europe and Baltic Sea Basin region.  Participation in both the e-learning and the Academy is free of charge (Sendzimir Foundation covers all the related costs except travel to Torun).

More information read here: http://www.sendzimir.org.pl/en


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