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28.03.2013, 08:24, Stáří: 11 r.

Summer Academy in Bremen (Germany) - Language and Colonialism/Sprache und Kolonialismus

Autor: -ps-

This year’s Interdisciplinary Summer Academy Bremen „Language and Colonialism“ (ISAB-SuKo 2013) takes place 11 - ­25 August, 2013 at the University of Bremen (Germany). Our course program addresses communication and colonialism from linguistic, literary, and cinematic perspectives. The academy will be held in German, and in addition offers an attractive cultural program with field trips and visits to museums in and around Bremen and to the German capital Berlin.

ISAB-SuKo 2013 is funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with funds from the Federal Foreign Office.

Please find all necessary information in the attached PDF brochure. Apply for ISAB-SuKo 2013 online atwww.isab.uni-bremen.de, deadline is 15 April, 2013.


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