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27.01.2012, 13:07, Stáří: 12 r.

SUMMER PROGRAM IN CHINA 2012 - Next deadline 30th January 2012


Queries can be addressed to : summerlawinstitutesuzhou@unimi.it

Summer Institute on Climate Change and Environmental Protection (SICCEP) and Summer Institute on Intellectual Property Rights and China (IP-China) jointly coordinated by the Chair of International Trade Law within the Department of Public, Civil Procedure, International and European Law at the Faculty of Law of University of Milan and by the Chair of Chinese Law withing the Department of Law at Univesity of Turin and to be held at Peking University, School of Government in Beijing.

  • The first term (SICCEP and IP-CHINA) will be from July 7, 2012 to August 4, 2012.
  • The second term (IP-CHINA and SICCEP) will be held from July 21, 2012 to August 18.
  • The third term (SICCEP) will be held August 4 to 18, 2012.

This program is multidisciplinary and is aimed at students, young graduates and senior professionals with a background in law, political sciences, international relations, philosophy, economics, environmental sciences, engineering and any other relevant discipline that can be related to the topics of the program. This program is organized in partnership with University of Eastern Piedmont Faculty of Economics in Italy, Lund University Faculty of Political Sciences in Sweden, University of Provence Aix Marseille I – CNRS Centre of Comparative Epistemology and Ergology in France, and in cooperation with University of Pavia, Faculty of Law.

The summer course will include the following topics:

1) Introduction to Chinese Law, Institutions & Politics
2) Global Environmental Governance
3) Environment, Science and Society: a Philosophical Introduction
4) Law, Policy and Economics on Climate Change
5) Introduction to Chinese Intellectual Property Law and Technology Transfer
6) European American and Chinese Approaches to Intellectual Property Rights and Competition Policy

In addition to traditional lectures, all summer schools provide a number of presentations and round tables involving experts of Chinese law, politics and culture, environment, sustainable development and intellectual property as well as experts in the specific themes covered by the different classes (for a complete list of the events held during the Summer School Edition 2011, please see below in this page). The participants will attend at least 60 hours par curriculum (for a total amount of 120 hours for both curricula).

During the 2010 and 2011 editions, held in Beijing, the following provided contributions to the program: Officials of the State Copyright Agency and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce of China; Officials from the Trade & Commercial Office of the Italian Embassy in Beijing; Italian Institute of Culture in Beijing, Chiomenti Law Firm in Beijing, Franzosi dal Negro Pensato Setti, Attorneys at Law, Beijing; Intesa San Paolo, Chief Representantive Beijing; IPR Desk in Beijing (Italian Trade Commission Beijing Branch); Officials of the European Union Delegation in Beijing; Officials from the European Commission IPR2 program; Secretary, Low Carbon Growth, British Embassy Beijing; PRC State Administration for Industry & Commerce (AIC); ORBEO China (subsidiary of Société Générale Corporate & Investment Banking Commodities and Rhodia Energy Services), Baker & McKenzie Law Firm (Beijing Office).

The participants of the previous edition 2011 came from Italy, Spain, Czech Republic, China, Canada, Ivory Coast, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Liberia, Botswana, Uganda, Rwanda, Pakistan, Comores, Togo, Central African Republic, Mali, Sri Lanka.

The deadline to apply is fixed on January 30, 2012

For further information please visit the webpage:


Brochure: http://paolofarah.files.wordpress.com/2011/11/brochure-summer-program-2012-january-round-a.pdf

Call for Applications: http://paolofarah.files.wordpress.com/2011/11/summer-institute-in-china-2012-january-round1.pdf

Similar information can be found also at the institutional websites of University of Milan and University of Turin. Please visit:



Queries can be addressed to : summerlawinstitutesuzhou@unimi.it

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