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25.04.2013, 15:14, Stáří: 11 r.

Summer School "Spanish Law, Politics and Economics"

Autor: -ps-

The School is open to anyone interested in an introduction to different current topics in these fields.

The lessons will be complemented by visits to some of the most important juridical and political institutions (Constitutional Court, Supreme Court, Congress, Royal Palace) in which the students will be accompanied and illustrated by professors. Some of the sessions will include as well film projections and hands-on practical exercises. The course lasts 2 weeks (1-12 July) and it grants 3 ECTS to all those interested.

Economic housing in a student residence in a convenient area of Madrid can be facilitated.

Applications are accepted until May 10. More information can be found in the document attached as well as in www.uam.es/derecho


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Stránka aktualizována: 01. 04. 2011, Daniel Agnew