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12.06.2014, 08:12, Stáří: 10 r.

SWITZERLAND - IPD International Summer Academy in Baar

Autor: -sb-

We are glad to invite you to the coming International Summer Academy on Peacebuilding & Intercultural Dialogue organising by Institute for Peace and Dialogue, IPD. SA will take place in Baar, Switzerland during the 17-27 August, 2014.

For now we have already registered participants from Turkey, Afghanistan, Canada, Burundi, Nigeria, Pakistan, Denmark, Kyrgyzistan, Congo, France, USA, Romania, Irag, Cameroon, Mexico, Malaysia, China, Iran, Zambia and you also can be one of them.

To register Summer Academy you need to fill the application form and send it back to us by email with your scanned passport page (only photo page) to fhuseynli@ipdinstitute.ch till the 30 June, 2014.

Participants from all over world countries who working in State Organs, INGOs, IOs, Companies, Universities or Individual Researchers and who are interested in peacebuilding, conflict transformation, intercultural-interfaith dialogue, mediation, negotiation etc. related topics are welcome to join our coming summer academy.

If you have any questions feel free to contact us via email.


IPD SA Experts & Topics


IPD SA Baar, Switzerland 2014


IPD SA Vienna, Austria 2013


Summer Academy location Baar Region


or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85fKvItapOo

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Stránka aktualizována: 01. 04. 2011, Daniel Agnew