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21.03.2012, 13:38, Stáří: 12 r.

The 7th Summer School for Young Professionals 2012, Liptovský Mikuláš

Let me please inform you of an upcoming educational event that could be of interest to your top students.

The 7th Summer School for Young Professionals 2012- Challenges of Global Security Environment, takes place on 23 June - 1 July 2012 at the Armed Forces Academy of General M. R. Štefánik (AFA) in Liptovský Mikuláš, Slovakia as well as in Uzghorod in Ukraine. It is a weeklong forum that is focused on the current challenges of international security policy.

The structure of the teaching at the summer school is aimed to provide students with fundamental knowledge concerning security policy, including the main actors of security policy in Europe; main security threats of today such as cyber terrorism, strategic defence review, extremism, conflict regions, current event in Middle East and Africa and energy security.  
One of the main objectives of this international summer school is the preparation of young professionals to be able to act within the area of foreign and security policy. Interactive discussions and lectures led by top speakers from various international and Slovak organizations will therefore focus on open exchange of ideas and interaction of participants from different backgrounds. Next to the seminars there will be many side activities, dynamic workshops, trip to nearby High Tatras, city of Liptovský Mikuláš, Airbase in Prešov, receptions and several others.
Summer school is intended for master and doctoral level students of political science and/or international relations who are interested in the foreign and security policy issues. Up to 30 students from Central Europe, South Eastern Europe, South Caucasus and Ukraine will be attending this event.  As this summer school implicates English as its working language, the students' skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening to English have to be at least intermediate. In the end of the week they will receive a certificate which is proving your course attendance and is issued by the Armed Forces Academy.

The Summer school for young professionals will challenge the students in many ways; generally it will test their leadership skills and expose them to cross-cultural experiences. We are convinced that the summer school will be an educational experience that the students will always remember!
This is the seventh year that the Centre for European and North Atlantic Affairs (CENAA), together with its partner AFA, is organizing this summer school in Slovakia and the
fourth time that it will also take place in Ukraine. The project is realized with the support given by NATO PDD, Slovak Ministry of Defence, Slovak Ministry of Foreign Affairs as well as the Embassy of United States of America.
Our aim for the future is to make the Summer school for young professionals as international as possible, which we intend to achieve with the help of institutions like yours. We would like therefore to develop a relationship with your institution to provide young active professionals with this experience. As a first step in working with your institution, we would very much appreciate if you would be so kind as to forward the attached letter and application form to any students who you think might be interested in attending.

All relevant information about our organization, "Summer School for Young professionals 2012" and our other activities can be found at our website http://cenaa.org/en/?page_id=38.

We would like to kindly ask you if you would reply to this email confirming your mailing address and contact information. We would strongly appreciate your assistance in helping us spread the word about the Summer school for young professionals in order to ensure that this international summer school is a continued academic success and provide future leaders with an invaluable experience.

We look forward to a fruitful future cooperation.

With best regards from Bratislava,

Cenaa Summer-School Team

Summer School for Young Professionals 2011
CENAA - Centre for European and North Atlantic Affairs
Haanova 10, Bratislava 851 04
P.O.Box. 209
Tel.: + 421 2 6241 3650

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