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20.01.2014, 09:55, Stáří: 11 r.

The International Summer School of Croatian Language and Culture "Zoranic's Arcady"

Autor: -ps-

We are informing you that this year The International Summer School of Croatian Language and Culture "Zoranic's Arcady" is going to be held in period from 21st July to 3rd August 2014 at University of Zadar in Zadar, Croatia.

This year language lessons, tailored to meet the needs of participants and according to the level of their previous knowledge of Croatian language, will be accompanied by lectures of world famous experts in Croatian and Slavic studies and by lectures of respected scientists from Department of Croatian and Slavic Studies at University of Zadar. In addition, individual language lessons can be organized according to the needs of participants. Language lessons and lectures are going to be accompanied by afternoon workshops through which participants will get to know more on Croatian culture. One excursion is planned during which participants will have opportunity to familiarize themselves with ethnological heritage and gastronomic offerings of Zadar region.

Upon successful completion of the course participants will receive a certificate of attendance, a diploma according to their level of competence, and 3 ECTS points.

More detailed information on this year’s Summer School can be found in attachments and on our websites:



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Stránka aktualizována: 01. 04. 2011, Daniel Agnew