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Filozofická fakulta UP
13.12.2012, 10:30, Stáří: 12 r.

The New York Film Academy Master of Arts

Autor: -ps-

The New York Film Academy Master of Arts (MA) in Film & Media Production is a two semester accelerated graduate program. Designed to educate aspiring content creators, it is a hands-on, total immersion, professional course of study. Each student will create eight of their own film media projects in an array of formats and genres. They will work in collaboration on their classmates’ projects on at least twenty more.

As film and media production evolve in the twenty first century, the Masters of Arts in Film & Media Production, provides creative visual storytellers with the grounding in this new arena needed to thrive and succeed. An intensive curriculum challenges students, develops their skills, and prepares them for the new and evolving production world of today. Students will gain experience shooting their projects on the newest in HD, film, and digital equipment from Canon 5D to Red Cameras, as well as classic film cameras like Panavision and Arrifilex.

More information read here: http://www.nyfa.edu

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Stránka aktualizována: 01. 04. 2011, Daniel Agnew