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04.02.2014, 15:22, Stáří: 10 r.

The Political Transformation: Middle East & North Africa

Autor: -ps-

The European Academy of Diplomacy is proud to announce the 1st Edition of the Political Transformation: Middle East & North Africa, to be held on 17 - 21 March 2014 in Warsaw, Poland. Recruitment is currently open.

The PTW will cover the following topics over an intensive 35 hour week of lectures, workshops, case study discussions and study visits:

  • Central & Eastern Europe road to democracy: Sharing a difficult experience
  • South Africa, Lebanon & Algeria - Rough path to reconciliation
  • Egypt: Democracy and the Muslim Brotherhood
  • Tunisia & Morocco: Model peaceful transitions? 
  • Yemen: Unity, Separation or a failed state?
  • Growing conservatism as a challenge for democratization
  • Social changes and women's role in transition
  • Security concerns for Western engagement in the region

Additionally, participants will have master-level skills training in:

  • Public Speaking
  • Bi-lateral and multi-lateral negotiations

Apply Now!

The Political Transformation: Middle East and North Africa is a weeklong program devoted to exploring the current transformational processes in the MENA region from the Polish and European Union perspective. The Workshop is designed to improving the understanding of the ongoing political transformational processes in the Middle East through development of expert level knowledge and communication skills. It derives its content from case studies form Middle East and North Africa. Participants, who will work with expert level trainers and practitioners drawing on their extensive experience in the region, will have the unique opportunity to combine theory and practice. Upon completion of the program, students will be able to knowingly discuss transformation, conflict and reconciliation challenges in the Middle East and North Africa.  The added value of the program is the communication block, which aims to deliver up-to-date and practical knowledge on public speaking and negotiations and to give participants confidence and strengthen their natural abilities to play a leadership role.   

For more information on the Political Transformation Workshop, contact EAD International Program Coordinator Kasia Waksmundzka at (+48) 22 378 11 99 or kwaksmundzka@diplomats.pl

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