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20.05.2016, 15:47, Stáří: 8 r.

The Queen Jadwiga Fund Scholarships – Competition 2016/2017

Autor: -sb-

As in previous years the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland, announces the competition for The Queen Jadwiga Fund Scholarships.

The purpose of the Fund is to support academic staff and doctoral students from East or Central European countries, the former Soviet Union states, and the Balkans with extraordinary achievements in research.

The scholarship is paid for the duration of the beneficiary's stay in Kraków to support his or her research. Since 1999 nearly 900 scholarships have been granted to beneficiaries from 21 countries.

The stay in Kraków provides a scientific research under the tuition of the Jagiellonian University professors for 1 month between October 2016 and June 2017 (in special cases the stay may be longer).

Documents are being received till June 15th 2016.

Please find attached below all useful information regarding the competition together with the website:


Attachment 1: The Queen Jadwiga Fund Rules

Attachment 2: Application Form

Attachment 3: Criteria for preparing ranking lists for faculties

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