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28.05.2015, 15:37, Stáří: 9 r.

UKRAINE- Anniversary X Summer School "Achievements and Applications of Contemporary Informatics, Mathematics and Physics" (AACIMP), August 4-18, 2015, Kyiv

Autor: -sb-

The call for participation for the Anniversary Tenth Summer School “Achievements and Applications of Contemporary Informatics, Mathematics and Physics” (AACIMP) is open. This year  four thematic practice-oriented streams will be presented at AACIMP Summer School: Applied Computer Science; Computational Neuroscience; 3D Printing and Smart Cities: Energy and Urban Analytics.

Application form is accessible via the web site, more details about Summer School program can be found at summerschool.ssa.org.ua/program.

Participation details, registration fees and other details are available at summerschool.ssa.org.ua/participation. Registration is open until June 1, 2015.

Students also can apply for discounts in order to reduce an application fee. More information about our discounts can be obtained on the “Discounts and scholarships” web page.

Funding opportunities are offered as well. DAAD scholarships (covering all costs) are offered to the students currently studying in Germany. More information about the scholarships can be found on the DAAD Go East program website http://goeast.daad.de/.

Please see AACIMP Summer School program file , also containing the terms of participation and other information.

If you have any questions about AACIMP, please contact summerschool@ssa.org.ua.

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