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09.05.2013, 08:58, Stáří: 11 r.

University of Bayreuth International Summer School - latest update!

Autor: -ps-

Welcome to Bayreuth, the city of the famous opera composer Richard Wagner and our International Campus University!

When the annual opera festival starts, the University of Bayreuth will organize its International Summer School from July 22nd to July 26th 2013 with 6 courses, each one specialised in a different area of study and research:

Course 1: "Modelling and Simulation for Decision Support" (Management Science)
Course 2: "European and International Consumer Law"
(Consumer Law)
Course 3: "Business, Economy and Communication"
(Marketing, German Studies, Media)
Course 4: "Why Wagner?"
(Cultural Studies & Music History)
Course 5: "When the Digital meets the Social"
Course 6: "Visual Research in the Social Sciences"

All courses are conducted in English by international guest lecturers and will take place over the duration of one week. Participants are expected to theoretically and practically engage for approximately 6 hours each day in various seminars, discussions and workshops and have the opportunity to obtain ECTS.

For more details and course descriptions as well as for information about the application procedure and the fees please see our website www.summerschool.uni-bayreuth.de or contact us directly at summerschool@uni-bayreuth.de. We would be happy to welcome you here at Bayreuth and we are looking forward to seeing you this summer!

Please note that the application deadline of May 31st does NOT apply for our partner universities.

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Calendar of Events now only on Palacký University's  new webpages

Stránka aktualizována: 01. 04. 2011, Daniel Agnew