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22.11.2012, 14:05, Stáří: 12 r.

University of East Anglia 2013 - International Summer School

Autor: -ps-

The University of East Anglia’s International Summer School provides a unique experience to live and learn in the UK at a world leading university during a 4 week period in the summer. The course gives students the opportunity to gain academic credit studying abroad in one of a range of exciting academic modules, all delivered by the University’s leading academics and industry experts.

To apply for an International Summer School place students simply need to visit www.uea.ac.uk/summerstudyabroad/apply. Here you will find the online application form and guidance notes to help you through the application process.

The complete information: http://uea.newsweaver.co.uk/5uccng906ui1qgjo1m2d99?email=true&a=11&p=29664595


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