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26.05.2015, 11:46, Stáří: 9 r.

VIRTUAL SUMMER SCHOOL - Think Globally, Live Virtually

Autor: -sb-

DOBA Faculty of Applied Business and Social Studies is organizing the 7th  virtual summer school this year. Last year there were over 270 students from 22 different countries participating. The summer school with the title Think Globally, Live Virtually will take place from 9th June to 6th July 2015.

The course Intercultural Management will again have a leading role in the virtual summer school. It will represent “a meeting point” for all students taking part in the summer school. For this reason we will organize an International week Creative Cross Cultural Communication, (16th June to 22nd  June 2015) and offer interesting lectures and webinars. Moreover, students and tutor will meet in the virtual learning environment Blackboard, where all resources, guidelines and forums are to be found.

Participation in the International week for foreign students is free of charge. Students will receive certificates for successfully completing the International week. Number of free places is limited. Students can already register on the website where they can find all additional information.

Registration deadline: 8th June 2015!

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Stránka aktualizována: 01. 04. 2011, Daniel Agnew