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16.08.2011, 16:02, Stáří: 13 r.

Visegrad Artist Residencies—2011

Autor: zdp

In a month’s time the Visegrad Artist Residency Program (VARP) marks its sixth annual deadline. The on-line application system is open and ready to accept your applications by 4 pm on Saturday, September 10th, 2011.
VARP is a unique Central European artist-in-residence scheme:

  • offering 24 individual three-month residencies for citizens of CZ, HU, PL and SK
  • accommodating any form of art 
  • enabling the applicant to freely choose a residency institution 
  • supporting both residency institutions and the artists 
  • stipends of €4,500 per project

To find out more and/or to apply please see the program’s website: visegradfund.org/residencies/.

  International Visegrad Fund
  Kráľovské údolie 8 | 811 02 Bratislava | Slovakia
  T: +421 259 203 801
  F: +421 259 203 805

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Stránka aktualizována: 01. 04. 2011, Daniel Agnew