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08.10.2014, 12:11, Stáří: 10 r.

VISITING SCHOLAR 2015-2016 “COLLEGIO MATTEO RICCI” at the University of Macerata

Autor: -sb-

VISITING SCHOLAR 2015-2016 “COLLEGIO MATTEO RICCI” at the University of Macerata

Within the framework of its internationalization policies, the University of Macerata is glad to offer 10 positions of Visiting Scholar for the Academic Year 2015-2016. The main objective is to develop an international network of scholars, carefully selected according to international criteria, in order to favour meetings and exchanges between the international research community and the University of Macerata. The name of the project, “Collegio Matteo Ricci”, tries exactly to express its collective and cosmopolitan nature. The broad topic proposed with the aims of providing a shared context for discussion and for establishing fruitful connections among the applicants is “Research and social innovation”.

Macerata, a people-oriented town with ancient traditions, is the right place to start this kind of projects because the slow rhythms of this town favour the gradual development of ideas and of research activities. For all Visiting Scholars, the “Collegio Matteo Ricci” is a quite unique opportunity where ideas and projects come alive; for the University of Macerata and for the entire city, it is a unique and lively window into the world. Visiting Scholars will be required to live in Macerata for at least 3 months to carry out research activities and provide face-to-face lecturing. The amount of the grant is € 5.000,00 and it includes accommodation on residential colleges.

* Applications must be submitted no later than 14:00 hr on November 7, 2014

For more information and to apply online, please, go to: http://www.unimc.it/en/about/calls-for-applications-and-public-competitions?set_language=en

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