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Filozofická fakulta UP
10.07.2012, 08:28, Stáří: 12 r.

Výzva pro doktorandy – 5 stipendií na výzkumné akademii v Německu

Autor: -da-

The Graduate Centre Humanities and Social Sciences of the Research Academy Leipzig is pleased to award 5 scholarships amounting 1.100 Euro that aim at supporting research projects of doctoral candidates from East-Central Europe under the project „East-Central Europe in Transnational Perspective“ at the University of Leipzig.

The Graduate Centre Humanities and Social Sciences of the Research Academy Leipzig is pleased to award 5 scholarships amounting 1.100 Euro that aim at supporting research projects of doctoral candidates from East-Central Europe under the project „East-Central Europe in Transnational Perspective“ at the University of Leipzig.

The projects proposed by scholarship applicants shall explicity address transregional dimensions and interdependencies of transnational developments in Eastern European history since the late 19th century. For further details on the program and the application process see the attached document "Call for Applications - East-Central Europe Transnational Jan 2012".

We specially welcome applications addressing the following topics:

  • Borders and territorialisation: Where does East-Central Europe end and what is beyond?
  • Integration of East-Central European economies into world markets since 1900
  • Migration and cultural encounter: East-Central Europeans on the move
  • East-Central European representatives in international organizations
  • Cultural transfer and the transnationalisation of East-Central
  • Europe since late 19th century
  • EU enlargement and globalisation at the beginning of the 21st century

Deadline for applications: 31 July, 2012.

Scholarships can start as early as 1 October, 2012.

Please send your electronic application via e-mail to mseidler@uni-leipzig.de and additionally all required documents as hard copies to:

University of Leipzig

Graduate Centre Humanities and Social Science

Maren Seidler


04105 Leipzig


For further information please visit our homepage at http://www.uni-leipzig.de/ral/gchuman/

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