Programmes taught in a foreign language
Academic year 2018-2019
All degree programmes taught in foreign languages
All programmes taught in foreign languages are paid.
Information about the fee (€ per year)
4 steps to successful enrolment at Palacký University Olomouc
Step 1: Submit an application
No later than 31 March 2018 for Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes
No later than 30 April 2018 for Doctoral degree programmes (PhD)
via e-application,
After sending your application, you will receive a confirmation e-mail with information about the registration of the application.
Step 2: Pay the fee
You are required to pay the fee of CZK 650 no later than
- 31 March 2018 - Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes
- 30 April 2018 - Doctoral degree programmes (PhD)
for the administrative costs connected with the application. After payment of the fee, the electronic application will be linked with the payment and forwarded to the application proceedings. You will receive information about the acceptance of your application by e-mail.
Please take into account that the application is only complete upon payment of the administrative fee.
For Payments from abroad: IBAN: CZ 0901000000191096330227, SWIFT: KOMBCZPPxxx
Step 3: Submit documents (requirements)
No later than 31 May 2018 we need to receive the following documents in English/Czech/Slovak language
- for Bachelor's degree programme:
- a certified copy of the document certifying your education (nostrification of education)
- Students of the bachelor’s degree programme can request nostrification of their education at the Regional Office in Olomouc, at the Department of Education ( http://www.kr-olomoucky.cz/uznavani-zahranicniho-vzdelani-cl-506.html)
- motivational letter
- CV
- certificate documenting a knowledge of the English language on a minimum level of B2
- for Master's degree programme:
- a certified copy of the document certifying your education (nostrification of education)
- Students continuing with their master’s degree can request nostrification of their education at any institute of higher education or university in the Czech Republic (for example at Palacký University Olomouc http://www.upol.cz/en/skupiny/students/degree-students/diploma-recognition/)
- motivational letter
- CV
- certificate documenting a knowledge of the English language on a minimum level of B2 (for the degree English philology C1)
- Diploma supplement of the Bachelor's degree (may be replaced by a list of credits from the Bachelor's degree programme; the diploma supplement or list of credits has to be certified by the study department of the relevant university)
- Thesis project containing the methodological framework, the theoretical background of the topic and the bibliography
- for Doctoral degree programme:
- CV signed by the applicant
- Copy of university diploma (certificate of diploma) or confirmation of student status including the date of expected graduation
- diploma supplement (may be replaced by a list of credits from the Master’s degree programme in case you are not a graduate yet, both have to be certified by the study department of the relevant university)
Students applying for a doctoral degree can request nostrification of their education at any institute of higher education or university in the Czech Republic (for example at Palacký University Olomouc http://www.upol.cz/en/skupiny/students/degree-students/diploma-recognition/) - Research proposal
Send the above documents by post in written form to the address:
FF UP v Olomouci, studijní oddělení, Křížkovského 10, 779 00 Olomouc, Česká republika.
On the basis of the above-mentioned documents and certified copies, your application may be either accepted or rejected. Validation of your foreign education in the Czech Republic is essential for the decision regarding your admission to the program.
Step 4: Enrolment in Studies
Report for registration for the course at the relevant time, date and with the documents in accordance with the instructions and information you received by post in written form together with the admission decision during June 2018. The preliminary term for enrolment is set at the middle of September.