Master's degree programmes
Contact person: PhDr. Eva Gyuránová
e-mail: eva.gyuranova@upol.cz
Phone number: +420 585 633 638

English Philology (single or double major)
The two-year study includes literary studies (Introduction to Literary Theory, British Literature of the 19th and 20th centuries, American Literature from the beginnings until the 1st half of the 20th century); Cultural Studies; Linguistics (Phonetics, Morphology, Syntax, Lexicology); and practical English language skills courses. An essential part of the programme consists of optional courses, which enable students to specialise.
Deutsche Philologie (single or double major)
The two-year study programme in German includes the study of literature (including the Bohemian and Moravian German Literature and the medieval literature) and linguistics (text and dialog analysis, pragmatics, semiotics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, cognitive linguistics, historical grammar) as well as cultural studies and the history of German Philology. Optional courses are an integral part of study, in which students can further specialise
European Studies and International Relations
This field of study focuses on the domain of International Relations with special emphasis on European studies.
This follow-up Master’s study programme can be divided into two sections. The section of European studies focuses predominantly on the issues of the European Union and European integration. The programme examines the functioning of the European Union, its institutional structure, policies and external relations. At the same time, the students gain practical skills and experience related to designing and realization of EU-funded projects.
The International Relations segment focuses on individual dimensions of the study of international relations, which are mutually interconnected. The students become acquainted with existing International Relations theories and their practical application to actual phenomena and problems in international relations; functioning of international organizations; widened and deepened conception of security in international security studies, as well as conflict resolution mechanisms in intra- and international disputes.
The structure of the field is supported by courses on modern European history and research methods.
Jewish Studies
Kurt and Ursula Schubert Centre for Jewish Studies (CJS) puts from the beginning the emphasis on interdisciplinary concept of studies and offers a comprehensive educational model of Jewish studies. Jewish Studies offers a unique opportunity to study the history, cultural contributions and the current development of Jewish communities both in our country and on global level. Academic education in the field covers the most important aspects of Jewish culture in the areas of religion, history, sociology, literature and art. Modular system of education provides students with considerable flexibility in the choice of subjects and the possibility of specialization and profiling in the chosen discipline.
Master degree is already an elite level of education. It is intended for candidates with a deep interest in the subject as it allows a high degree of specialization and profiling and interdisciplinary insight into related disciplines. The students are entrusted to the care of eminent experts, who care about every student on the individual level and ensure that the teaching complies with the close involvement of science. The best students are involved into the research at the Center. The students are provided with a solid network of international relations with a number of world-renowned institutions, including the Jewish Studies in Vienna, Budapest and Krakow and they can obtain scholarships to study abroad under less competitive pressure than at other mass faculties.
Euroculture is a double degree master programme (120 ECTS) offered by eight renowned universities in European Union (Groningen, Olomouc, Göttingen, Uppsala, Strasbourg, Udine, Kraków, Bilbao). Erasmus Mundus Master Course Euroculture is a unique, multilingual, interdisciplinary and inter-university project combining theoretical knowledge and practical skills (Eurocompetence). Focus of the study is on cultural, social and political developments of Europe. It offers Erasmus Mundus scholarships for non-EU students and second Erasmus Mobility grant for EU students. The principle aim of the Euroculture programme is to prepare graduates from Europe and third countries for professions in which knowledge of present Europe and European Union institutions are of relevance. A part of the study programme is an internship in International organisation, foreign affairs ministries, embassies, and other bodies where Euroculture professional and academic profiles are needed. Close cooperation exists with four non-European universities (Ósaka, Japan; Indiana, USA; Pune, India; UNAM, Mexico), where European students can study a part of the programme.