International Study Programmes
ERASMUS+ Programme and other EU programmes
This programme administer the main International Relation Office of Palacký University (IRO). All other programmes for international students administer the Department of Foreign Affairs at the Faculty of Arts.
For general information, instructions, application procedure and documents, please visit Erasmus+ & exchange on the Palacký University website.
Institutional coordinator (administrative) for incoming Erasmus+ students is Mrs. Zuzana Hamdanieh, zuzana.hamdanieh@upol.cz.
Faculty coordinator for STAG (study information system) is Ms. Jana Hořáková, j.horakova@upol.cz
Advisers for Learning Agreements are the departmental coordinators (pdf).
CEEPUS (Central European Exchange Programme for University Studies) associates 13 partner universities from 13 European countries (Albania, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Hungary, Macedonia, Poland, Austria, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia and Montenegro).
Faculty of Arts participates in 6 networks:
- Language and Literature in a Central European Context
Coordinator/advisor: Bas Hamers, Department of Dutch Studies, bas.hamers@upol.cz - Question to the History of Central and East-Central Europe in the Middle Ages and the Modern Early Period
Coordinator/advisor: Mr. Antonín Kalous, Department of History, antonin.kalous@upol.cz - Idea of Europe in European Culture, history and politics
Coordinator/advisor: Mrs. Radmila Švaříčková Slabáková, Department of History, radmila.svarickova@upol.cz - E-Bologna for Translation Studies Programmes in Central and Eastern European Countries
Coordinator/advisor: Veronika Prágerová, Dep. of British and American Studies, veronika.pragerova@upol.cz - Inter-American Studies
Coordinator/advisor: Mr. Matthew Sweney, Department of English and American Studies, matthew.sweney@upol.cz - Basic Trans-Cultural Research
Coordinator/advisor: Mr. Oldřich Břenek, Department of German Studies, oldrich.brenek@upol.cz - Korean Studies in Central and Eastern Europe
Coordinator/advisor: Martin Sturdik, Department of Asian Studies, martin.studik@upol.cz - Free movers: Ms. Jana Hořáková, Department of Foreign Affairs, j.horakova@upol.cz
- Faculty coordinator (administration) for incoming Ceepus students: Ms. Jana Hořáková, j.horakova@upol.cz (CEEPUS partners of the Faculty of Arts of Palacký University.)
Information about the programme, deadlines, National CEEPUS Offices of all partner countries and on-line application procedure please go to www.ceepus.info.
Conditions of the study stay are for CEEPUS students equal to Erasmus+ students. The Faculty of Arts will waive them tuition fees, reserve for them accommodation in a PU dormitories and provide them monthly with an amount of CZK 9000 (BA and MA students), CZK 9500 (Ph.D. students) to cover the accomodation service in the given dormitory and a part of their board. Other expenses related to their stay will be paid by students themselves. Please, see details in the document Information for Scholarship Holder (docx).
Czech Government Scholarship
Scholarship Awards under Bilateral International Agreements on Co-operation in the Field of Education
The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of the Czech Republic (hereafter referred to as the "Ministry") annually offers scholarships to foreign nationals, pursuant to bilateral intergovernmental or inter-ministerial agreements concluded with a number of countries. Scholarships are awarded to applicants nominated by the competent authorities of eligible countries. Scholarships of this type are designed for university/college students or graduates and Ph.D. candidates (exceptionally also for university researchers/teachers) who wish to accomplish a study or research stay at one of the Czech public institutions of higher education. Its length usually ranges from 2 to 10 months depending upon the agreement made by the Czech government and the foreign government concerned that specifies also the categories of eligible recipients.
For details on conditions of the study stay and how to apply please go visit the Ministry of Education website.
Summer Schools of Czech Language
The Czech language summer courses within the so called Summer Schools of Slavonic Studies are open annually by several public universities in the Czech Republic (Prague, Brno, Olomouc). Course participants are, for the most part, foreign students and teachers of Czech/Slavonic Studies. The Czech Ministry offers scholarships for participation in the said courses to applicants from different countries.
Government Scholarships – Developing Countries
Scholarship Awards within the Foreign Development Assistance Programme.
The Government of the Czech Republic offers a number of scholarships within the framework of its Foreign Development Assistance Programme in support of the study of foreign nationals from developing countries at public institutions of higher education in the Czech Republic.
Fo more information visit the Ministry of Education website.
Study stay on the basis of the Partnership Agreement
Agreement of academic exchange between Palacký University and foreign partner university.
Details of the study stay must be first discussed with the partner university at least six months before the arrival to Olomouc. Students from partner universities have to contact their international offices, then International Relations Office of Palacký University (iro@upol.cz) or the Department of Foreign Affairs of the Faculty of Arts for the Letter of Acceptance (Jana Hořáková, j.horakova@upol.cz).
Visegrad Fund
This international programme is focused on the cooperation among the Visegrad Group (V4) countries - the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. The purpose of the programme is to strengthen the ties among people in the region. The Fund provides funding for common cultural, scientific, research and educational projects, youth exchanges, promotion of tourism and cross-border cooperation.
More on http://visegradfund.org.
Self-financed short study stay
Students arriving out of any EU or exchange programme and out of any agreement have to pay tuition fee (approximately 8.000 CZK/month, i.e. 300 €/month → the price must be discuss before the arrival).
About this type of study please ask directly the coordinator of the Department of Foreign Affairs at the Faculty of Arts: zuzana.henesova@upol.cz.