Study affairs
Organization of foreign affairs at Palacký University
- ERASMUS+ programme is administered by the main Office for International Relationes of PU (hereafter referred to as the OIR) –The Rector's Office, Křížkovského 8
- All other international programmes (e. g. CEEPUS, AKTION, Visegrad Fund, Freemover etc.) are administered by the Department of Foreign Affairs (hereafter referred to as DFA) at the particular faculty.
Department of Foreign Affairs at the Faculty of Arts
Mgr. Jana Hořáková
tel.: + 420 585 633 014
e-mail: j.horakova@upol.cz
Křížkovského 10, Olomouc
2nd floor, room 2.20
Mgr. Lenka Haničáková
tel.: + 420 585 633 496
e-mail: lenka.hanicakova@upol.cz
Křížkovského 10, Olomouc
2nd floor, room 2.20
Office hours:
Monday 9.00–11.00, 13.00–15.00
Tuesday 9.00–11.00
Wednesday 9.00–11.00, 13.00–15.00
Thursday 9.00–11.00
Palacký University rules and guidelines
- Palacký University Constitution
- Rules of Nostrification of Palacký University
- Study and Examinations Code
- Accommodation Contract
- College Dormitory House Rules
- Student Identify Cards - Contract of borrowing
- The Education Act (Ministry of Education)
- Procedure of application for a long-term residence permit for the purpose of study, if applied from outside the Czech Republic
- Disciplinary Code for Students
- The Issue of Documents Proving the Completion of Study, of Lifelong Education Programmes and of the Rigorosum Procedure at Palacký University + Amendment 1
- Principles for the Competition for Student Research Grants at Palacký University in Olomouc + Amendment 1, Amendment 2, Amendment 3
- Admission Procedure Code of Palacký University in Olomouc + AMENDMENT No. 1
- Applicants and Students with Special Needs at Palacký University in Olomouc
- Organization of Study in the Credit System at Palacký University in Olomouc + AMENDMENT No. 1
- Rector’s instruction to define the academic calendar for the 2012/2013 academic year and the schedule for entering courses in the Study Information System (STAG) in the 2012/2013 academic year
- Identity Cards for Students and Employees of Palacký University in Olomouc
- Protection of Personal and Sensitive Data at Palacký University in Olomouc
- Determination of Fees and Payments for Activities and Acts Implemented by Palacký University in Olomouc
- Handling of Complaints and Petitions at Palacký University in Olomouc
- Library Rules of Palacký University in Olomouc + AMENDMENT No. 1
- University Dormitories Code of Palacký University in Olomouc
- University Canteen Code of Palacký University in Olomouc
- Assigning Topics for Bachelor’s and Master’s Diploma Theses, Dissertations, and Rigorosum Theses, Their Submission, How They Are Made Accessible to the Public, and the Related Record Keeping + AMENDMENT No. 1 + AMENDMENT No. 2
- Code of the Rigorosum Procedure of Palacký University in Olomouc + AMENDMENT No. 1
Useful resources (downloads & forms)
- Palacký University Guide for International Students (PDF file)
- Exchange Student Enrolment Form (DOC file)
- Application form → only on-line
- Learning Agreement & Changes to Learning Agreement (DOC file)
- Course catalogue - EDIS - How to use it? (PDF file)
- Confirmation of Study Period Abroad (DOC file)
- Acknowledgement of the Student Status (RTF file)
- Map of the main places of Palacký University (DOC file)
- STAG – Portal → instructions (Powerpoint presentation)
- ECTS guide (PDF)