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Palacký University

Applied Economics

Applied Economics (dual Bachelor’s degree programme)
The dual Bachelor’s degree programme in Applied Economics trains specialists able to successfully enter the dynamic job market of today and react to its transformations to their own benefit. Graduates are mainly employed in the private sector (manufacturing and other businesses). Since Applied Economics is studied within a dual degree programme and students can choose to study it together with any other academic discipline accredited at the Palacky University, the graduates are equipped with a range of expertise extending beyond individual professions. Graduates have theoretical knowledge that gives them a general understanding of issues in economics and facilitates further learning based on the needs of their future profession. Graduates have also acquired first-rate transferable knowledge and so-called “soft” and “life skills”.

Applied Economics (continuing Master’s degree programme)
The aim of the Master’s degree programme in Applied Economics is to train specialists to a level where their graduate profiles correspond with the current requirements of employers; this is made possible through collaboration with regional employers and the Czech Chamber of Commerce. The Master’s degree programme is dual, takes 2 years of study and can be combined with any degree programme accredited at the Palacky University as dual. Owing to this, the graduates will be equipped with a wide range of expertise knowledge, and will be able to adapt to socio-economic changes to their benefit.

Kontaktní adresa KAE:

Filozofická fakulta UP v Olomouci
Katedra aplikované ekonomie
Křížkovského 12
771 80 Olomouc

tel.:  +420 585 633 317

Aktuality KAE



Křížkovského 12

Křížkovského 14

KAE podporuje firmy svých absolventů


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Last update: 04. 12. 2013, Zdeněk Pospíšil