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Palacký University

Science and research

Besides a range of various practical and applied activities, the Department of Applied Economics conducts top research in several branches of knowledge within the field.

The team lead by Jaroslava Kubátová together with Klára Seitlová carries out complex research on the topic of virtual team management, focusing on varying approaches to work and management of human capital with respect to the availability of modern information and communication technologies. The research has partly been funded by OPVK (Education for Competitiveness operational programme) CZ.1.07/2.2.00/28.0138 and the European Economic Interest Grouping, Brussels (EEIG-01/SU/2012, 2012-2014, in collaboration with the Catholic University in Ruzomberok). The interdisciplinary research aimed at developing accounting and typology for historical accounting systems in the Czech Republic carried out by Pavla Slavíčková a Zdeňek Puchinger is unique in the country. The most recently launched research project of Lucie Závodná concentrates on the topic of economically sustainable tourism with special emphasis on the countryside.

Besides these research projects, the Department of Applied Economics has recently produced two publications of international importance: Public Economics – Present and Perspectives by Richard Pospíšil on the importance and role of public economics, public finances, and budgets in the EU and their development. The second is System management of information security by Martin Drastich, which describes the development of the standard ISO/IEC 2700x and modes of implementation of ISMS for the management of information security, including the issues of accreditation and certification.

The Department of Applied Economics has recently been coordinating a project supported by the Hlávka foundation on the topic of History of the Magazine Obzor národohospodářský 1896-1949 (managed by Jiří Řezník), which has produced a number of valuable publications.

Together with the Department of Asian Studies, DAE participates in publishing the magazine Dálný východ, which focuses, among other things, on the economic development in East Asia.

Last but not least, the Department of Applied Economics supports the scientific and research activities of its students, in terms of methodical supervision of their research projects, student science conferences, competitions, and publishing collections of their work.




Kontaktní adresa KAE:

Filozofická fakulta UP v Olomouci
Katedra aplikované ekonomie
Křížkovského 12
771 80 Olomouc

tel.:  +420 585 633 317

Aktuality KAE



Křížkovského 12

Křížkovského 14

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Last update: 25. 09. 2017, Pavla Slavíčková