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Jan Stoklasa

Mgr. et Mgr. Jan Stoklasa, D.Sc. (Tech)

vedoucí katedry

E-mail: jan.stoklasa@upol.cz

Tel.: 585 633 317

Konzultační hodiny: via email

Pracovna 1.21, Křížkovského 12, přízemí

Odborné zaměření

Matematické modely pro vícekriteriální hodnocení, matematické modely pro podporu rozhodování (jak klasické, tak i za neurčitosti), operační výzkum, jazykově orientované (fuzzy) modelování a aplikace těchto oblastí pro řešení praktických problémů v ekonomii, managementu, řízení lidských zdrojů, krizovém řízení, psychologii a příbuzných oblastech.

Mezi výzkumná témata řešená v poslední době patří analýza a vývoj nových metod jazykové aproximace (tedy metod převodu výstupů matematických modelů do slovní podpoby) a prezentace výstupů formálních modelů pro podporu rozhodování jejich uživatelům obecně. Téma je podrobováno zkoumání take z behaviorálního pohledu – probíhá analýza vlivu různých forem prezentace informací o riziku a neurčitosti na rozhodování (např. sklon k riziku atd.). V neposlední řadě pak v rámci tohoto výzkumného zaměření probíhá rozvoj metodologické základny výzkumu ve společenských vědách a ekonomii – vývoj metod založených na set-theoretic přístupu pro prověřování platnosti hypotéz, vývoj metod pro agregaci informace získané Likertovými škálami atd.

Publikační činnost


KUBÁTOVÁ, J., SEITLOVÁ, K., STOKLASA, J. TeamUP - On-line psychodiagnostika týmové spolupráce ve virtuálních týmech. 2016.  


Stoklasa, J.: Linguistic models for decision support. Lappeenrannan Teknillinen Yliopisto Yliopistopaino, Lappeenranta, 2014, ISBN 978-952-265-686-5, ISBN 978-952-265-687-2 (PDF); dissertation thesis (http://www.doria.fi/handle/<wbr></wbr>10024/102203)

Grohová, E., Hlaváček, L., Kolář, M., Koleček, M., Talašová, J., Stoklasa, J. & Vojtěchovský, M.: Kritika krásy, UJEP, Ústí nad Labem, 2011, ISBN 978-80-7414-305-2 [Critics of Beauty]

Book chapters

Holeček, P., Taašová, J. & Stoklasa, J.: Multiple-Criteria Evaluation in the Fuzzy Environment Using the FuzzME Software. IN Collan, M., Fedrizzi, M., & Kacprzyk, J. (Eds.). (2016). Fuzzy Technology: Present Applications and Future Challenges. Cham Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London: Springer. http://doi.org/10.1007/3-540-32367-8_3

Collan, M., Stoklasa, J. & Talašová, J.: Staff Evaluation Systems – Shaping Autonomy through Stakeholders IN Turcan, R. V.,  Reilly, J. E. & Bugaian, L. (eds.): (Re)Discovering University Autonomy:The Global Market Paradox of Stakeholder and Educational Values in Higher Education, Palgrave Macmillan, 2015, ISBN 978-11-373-9382-1. doi.org/10.1057/9781137388728_7

Talašová, J., Stoklasa, J. & Holeček, P.: Hodnocení akademických pracovníků v kontextu organizačního klimatu univerzit. IN Grecmanová, H.,  Dopita, M. et al.: Determinanty organizačního klimatu vysokých škol a fakult, Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 2013, s. 101-114. ISBN 978-80-244-3808-5. [Academic faculty evaluation in the context of organizational climate of universities IN Determinants of organizational climate of universities and faculties]

Stoklasa, J.: A Fuzzy Approach to Disaster Modelling: Decision Making Support and Disaster Management Tool for Emergency Medical Rescue Services IN Mago, V. K.., Bhatia, N.  (eds.): Cross-Disciplinary Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition: Advancing Technologies (editors.), IGI Global, USA,  ISBN13: 9781613504291, ISBN10: 1613504292, DOI: doi.org/10.4018/978-1-61350-429-1,  2012.

Talašová, J., Stoklasa, J. & Holeček, P.: Registr Uměleckých výkonů a hodnocení výsledků tvůrčí činnosti IN Zelinský, M. (ed.): Registr Uměleckých výstupů 2, NAMU, Praha, 2012, ISBN 978-80-7331-231-2. [Registry of artistic results and evaluation of creative work outcomes IN Registry of Artistic Results 2]

Papers in journals (with non-zero impact factor at WoS)

Krejčí, J., & Stoklasa, J. (2016). Fuzzified AHP in the evaluation of scientific monographs. Central European Journal of Operations Research, 24(2), 353–370. doi.org/10.1007/s10100-015-0399-2

Stoklasa, J., Jandová, V., & Talašová, J. (2013). Weak consistency in Saaty ’ s AHP - evaluating creative work outcomes of Czech Art Colleges Classification of works of art. Neural Network World, 23(1), 61–77. http://www.nnw.cz/doi/2013/NNW.2013.23.005.pdf

Stoklasa, J., Talašová, J., & Holeček, P. (2011). Academic Staff Performance Evaluation - Variants of Models. Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, 8(3), 91–111. https://uni-obuda.hu/journal/Stoklasa_Talasova_Holecek_29.pdf

Other Papers in journals

Sukač, V., Talašová, J., & Stoklasa, J. (2016). A Linguistic Fuzzy Approach to the Consensus Reaching in Multiple Criteria Group Decision-making Problems. Acta Univ. Palacki. Olomuc., Fac. Rer. Nat., Mathematica, 55(1), 133–150. http://kma.upol.cz/data/xinha/ULOZISTE/ActaMath/2016/055-1-15.pdf

Holeček, P., Stoklasa, J., & Talašová, J. (2016). Human resources management at universities - a fuzzy classification approach. International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research, 9(4), 502–519.

Stoklasa, J., Talášek, T., & Talašová, J. (2016). AHP and weak consistency in the evaluation of works of art – a case study of a large problem. International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, 11(1), 60–75. doi.org/10.1504/IJBIR.2016.077610

Collan, M., Stoklasa, J., & Talašová, J. (2014). On Academic Faculty Evaluation Systems: More than just Simple Benchmarking. International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking, 4(4), 437–455. doi.org/10.1504/IJPMB.2014.065522

Stoklasa, J., Talášek, T., & Musilová, J. (2014). Fuzzy approach - a new chapter in the methodology of psychology? Human Affairs, 24(2), 189–203. doi.org/10.2478/s13374-014-0219-8

Conference Proceeding Papers

Morreale, A., Stoklasa, J., Collan, M.,  Lo Nigro, G. & Talášek, T. (2016). The effect of multiple possible outcomes representation onmanagerial decision-making under uncertainty: an exploratory survey. In Nineteenth International Working Seminar on Production Economics 2016, Pre-prints volume 3, 2016, (pp. 239–248).

Stoklasa, J., & Talášek, T. (2016). On the use of linguistic labels in AHP: calibration, consistency and related issues. In Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Economics (pp. 785–790). Liberec: Technical University of Liberec.

Sukač, V., Talašová, J., & Stoklasa, J. (2016). “Soft” consensus in decision-making model using partial goals method. In Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Economics (pp. 791–796). Liberec: Technical University of Liberec.

Talášek, T., Stoklasa, J., & Talašová, J. (2016). The role of distance and similarity in Bonissone’s linguistic approximation method – a numerical study. In Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Economics (pp. 845–850). Liberec: Technical University of Liberec.

Talašová, J., Stoklasa, J., Holeček, P., & Talášek, T. (2016). Registry of Artistic Performance - the final state of the evaluation model. In Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Economics (pp. 851–856). Liberec: Technical University of Liberec.

Stoklasa, J., Talášek, T. & Stoklasová, J. (2016). Semantic differential and linguistic approximation – identification of a possible common ground for research in social sciences. In Proceedings of the international conference Knowledge for Market Use 2016, (pp. 495–501). Olomouc.

Talášek, T. & Stoklasa, J. (2016). The role of distance/similarity measures in the linguistic approximation of triangular fuzzy numbers. In Proceedings of the international conference Knowledge for Market Use 2016, (pp. 539–546). Olomouc.

Morreale, A., Stoklasa, J. & Talášek, T. (2016). Decision‐making under different risk presentation forms: an empirical investigation from Czech Republic. In Collan, M. & Luukka, P. (Eds.) Proceedings of the NSAIS’16 Workshop on Adaptive and Intelligent Systems 2016 (pp. 10-13). Lappeenranta: LUT Scientific and expertise publications.

Stoklasa, J, Talášek, T., Kubátová, J. & Seitlová, K. (2016). Likert scales in group multiple‐criteria evaluation: a distance‐from‐ideal based transition to fuzzy rules. In Collan, M. & Luukka, P. (Eds.) Proceedings of the NSAIS’16 Workshop on Adaptive and Intelligent Systems 2016 (pp. 26-27). Lappeenranta: LUT Scientific and expertise publications.

Talášek, T. & Stoklasa, J. (2016). Linguistic approximation under different distances/similarity measures for fuzzy numbers. In Collan, M. & Luukka, P. (Eds.) Proceedings of the NSAIS’16 Workshop on Adaptive and Intelligent Systems 2016 (pp. 49-52). Lappeenranta: LUT Scientific and expertise publications.

Stoklasa, J., Sukač, V., Talášek, T., & Talašová, J. (2015). Soft consensus model under linguistically labelled evaluations. In Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Economics (pp. 743–748).

Stoklasa, J., & Talášek, T. (2015). Jazykově orientované modelování pro ekonomickou a manažerskou praxi – některé otevřené problémy. In Znalosti pro tržní praxi 2015. (pp. 959–969).

Talášek, T., Stoklasa, J., Collan, M., & Luukka, P. (2015). Ordering of fuzzy numbers through linguistic approximation based on Bonissone’s two step method. In 16th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics (pp. 285–290).

Talášek, T., & Stoklasa, J. (2015). Jazykově orientované modelování pro ekonomickou a manažerskou praxi - vybrané metody pro jazykovou aproximaci. In Znalosti pro tržní praxi 2015. (pp. 977–989).

Talášek, T., Stoklasa, J., & Talašová, J. (2015). Linguistic approximation using fuzzy 2-tuples in investment decision making. In Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Economics (pp. 817–822).

Jandová, V., Stoklasa, J. & Talašová, J.: Modification of the AHP based model for evaluating artistic production of Czech colleges, Proceedings of the 32nd  International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Economics 2014, September 2014, Palacký University, Olomouc, p. 372 – 377, ISBN 978-80-244-4209-9.

Stoklasa, J., Luukka, P. & Talašová, J.: Classifier performance assessment in social science - does the quality of data matter?, Proceedings of the 32nd  International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Economics 2014, September 2014, Palacký University, Olomouc, p. 974 – 979, ISBN 978-80-244-4209-9.

Talášek, T., Bohanesová, E., Stoklasa, J. & Talašová, J.: Investment decision making using fuzzy scorecards - mutual funds selection, Proceedings of the 32nd  International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Economics 2014, September 2014, Palacký University, Olomouc, p. 1021 – 1026, ISBN 978-80-244-4209-9.

Talašová, J., Stoklasa, J. & Holeček, P.: HR management through linguistic fuzzy rule bases - a versatile and safe tool?, Proceedings of the 32nd  International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Economics 2014, September 2014, Palacký University, Olomouc, p. 1027 – 1032, ISBN 978-80-244-4209-9.

Stoklasa, J., Krejčí, J. & Talašová, J.: Fuzzified AHP in evaluation of R&D outputs - a case from Palacky University in Olomouc, Proceedings of the 31st  International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Economics 2013 – Part II., September 2013, College of Polytechnics Jihlava, Jihlava, p. 856 – 861, ISBN 978-80-87035-76-4.

Stoklasa, J. & Talašová, J.: AHP based decision support tool for the evaluation of works of art - Registry of Artistic Performances, Proceedings of the Finnish Operations Research Society 40th Anniversary workshop – FORS40, Lappeenranta 20. – 21.8.2013, LUT Scientific and Expertise Publications No. 13, 2013, p. 44 – 47, ISBN 978-952-265-436-6.

Stoklasa, J., Holeček, P. & Talašová, J.: A holistic approach to academic staff performance evaluation – a way to the fuzzy logic based evaluation, Peer Reviewed Full Papers of the 8th International Conference on Evaluation for Practice “Evaluation as a Tool for Research, Learning and Making Things Better”A Conference for Experts of Education, Human Services and Policy, 18 – 20 June 2012, 2012, Pori, Finland, Tampub, p. 121 – 131, ISBN 978-951-44-8859-7.

Collan, M., Stoklasa, J. & Talašová, J.: Examples of Academic Faculty Evaluation Systems from the Czech Republic and Finland, Peer Reviewed Full Papers of the 8th International Conference on Evaluation for Practice “Evaluation as a Tool for Research, Learning and Making Things Better”A Conference for Experts of Education, Human Services and Policy, 18 – 20 June 2012, 2012, Pori, Finland, Tampub, p. 111 – 120,  ISBN 978-951-44-8859-7.

Stoklasa, J. & Talašová, J.: Using linguistic fuzzy modeling for MMPI-2 data interpretation, Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Economics 2011 – part II, 2011, Praha, Czech Republic, p. 653 – 658, ISBN 978-80-7431-059-1.

Talašová, J. & Stoklasa, J.: A model for evaluating creative work outcomes at Czech Art Colleges, Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Economics 2011 – part II, 2011, Praha, Czech Republic, p. 698 – 703, ISBN 978-80-7431-059-1.

Holeček, P., Talašová, J. & Stoklasa, J.:  Fuzzy classification systems and their applications, Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Economics 2011 – part I, 2011, Praha, Czech Republic, p. 266 – 271, ISBN 978-80-7431-058-4.

Stoklasa, J.: Multiphase linguistic fuzzy model for the Czech emergency medical rescue services. Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Economics 2010, September 2010, České Budějovice, Czech Republic, p. 590-595, ISBN 978-80-7394-218-2.

Talašová, J. & Stoklasa, J.: Fuzzy approach to academic staff performance evaluation. Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Economics 2010, September 2010, České Budějovice, Czech Republic, p. 621-626, ISBN 978-80-7394-218-2.

Stoklasa, J.: A Fuzzy Model of Medical Disaster Response: Decision Making Support and Disaster Management Tool for Czech Emergency Medical Rescue Services. Lecture Notes in Management Science; Vol. 2, 2010, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Applied Operational Research - ICAOR 2010, August 2010, Turku, Finland, p. 400-406, ISSN 2008-0050.

Talašová, J. & Stoklasa, J.: Assessing Academic Staff Performance Using Multiple Criteria Evaluation Models. Lecture Notes in Management Science; Vol. 2, 2010, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Applied Operational Research - ICAOR 2010, August 2010, Turku, Finland, p. 205-207, ISSN 2008-0050.

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